As John Held Me Under
One second is like a thousand years. One drop, all the water in the world.

I bumped into a ton of friends down there: an Egyptian soldier with a pint of Red Sea in his lungs, iguanas that didn’t make Noah’s cut. A Yellow River farmer whose last earthly sight was a wall of water raging for his wheat. Verily, the terror of one million people drowning is as stomach-churning as the terror of one. That freckled girl on St. Lucia’s Day—1267, a crown of candles flickering on her head— felt the same cortisol rush as a close call with a semi on I-94 but couldn’t swerve from the North Sea. That Johnstown baker hadn’t the wherewithal to pray as the barbed wire snared him to the fence. And all those Boxing Day tsunami folks, as surely as the Jordan’s bubbles clung to my beard, I spotted every capsized catamaran that swept fishermen to the growling sea, every shredded rooftop that wasn’t high enough, every bloated hand that couldn’t hang on to the child. I was buried with all of you in death. Even deeper, heartbreak. I held the pressure of water’s cruel energy and its lapping addiction to life. When John lifted me out, I shook my hair, hovered over the surface. Just like that, the sky broke open pink and gold, and the Dove swooped for my head. Of course my Father was well pleased with this gathering, the Three of us fused in one burst of light, the rest of you flashing in the drops on my face.
as one who, when a teen, was pulled from a pool by a guard and resuscitated (Lord, bless Sue St. John), i’d never imagined the moment of Jesus’ immersion as opening on to / touching all who have nearly or actually died by drowning—seeing and holding them in their distress. i also immediately thought of a man whose wedding I officiated who, in the Boxing Day tsunami, as he was helping others get to higher ground, was swept away and died, only to be found a week later by his son—a full kilometer into the Thai jungle. touched and immensely grateful, Tania.
My goodness. This is wonderful, Tania. How do you manage a measure of snark alongside such visceral heartbreak (as these comments testify) and then a bit of glorious trinitarian theology to top it off?!